SFDG -> Specific Books -> Primary Inversion
On a ten-point scale (1=bad, 10=good), the people who
read the book gave the following ratings: 2, 3, 4, 5,
5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9
Average: 5.5
This book was "sponsored" by Raja Thiagarajan and Ignacio Viglizzo, who met Dr. Asaro at Inconjunction in 2001 and got to see a number of her talks.
Ignacio sent the following note to the group on Sunday October 21 2001:
Some notes on the book we are discussing next Thursday at Borders.
- I added a photo of Raja and the author at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sfdg/files/CAsaroRaja.jpg. [If you can't get to the Yahoo page, I've also put a copy here -- Raja]
- There's a "prequel" to Primary Inversion. As Raja said before, you can ask him about getting a copy. [The prequel is a novella called "Aurora in Four Voices" and I believe it was nominated for the Nebula -- Raja]
- The direct sequel to Primary Inversion is called The Radiant Seas, and is the 4th book Asaro published of her Skolian empire saga. The second one is Catch The Lightning, and is set in a time further in the future (although it opens in Earth, 1987) The third one is The Lost Hawk, and the time setting is parallel to Primary Inversion. The short story "A Roll of the Dice", which was nominated for the Hugos this year follows the events in The Lost Hawk ... after that I don't know how the story goes.
- Asaro's homepage: http://www.sff.net/people/asaro/
- A nice cover to Primary Inversion http://www.sff.net/people/asaro/soz.htp
- There's a list in Yahoogroups dedicated to Catherine Asaro: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asaro
- And in this other list, dedicated to "kick-ass women in sf & f" they will discuss Primary Inversion next month: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/amazons
Asaro herself posts to these last two lists.
See you on Thursday!